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The Magnetic Leadership Academy

Organic Facebook Marketing

The Entrepreneur's Blueprint to Network Marketing

Feel like you're missing something? It's because you are. 

 Network Marketing is the fastest growing industry in the world. More people should know how to do this, right? Unfortunately, most people who get into network marketing, come in under a friend or someone who hasn’t been in the industry long enough to really find success at making money. And you can’t teach what you don’t know.

 Having spent thousands of dollars in personal coaching and now being led by one of the top producing leaders in the industry with the largest, most profitable downline teams in all of network marketing, I now get to share the same systems and strategies that have led to my success and the success of my team... with YOU.

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What you'll get in the course...

An Inside Look

Get a behind the scenes look in how I train my new recruits, structure our Team Page, and grow leaders within my organization. You will also receive step-by-step tutorials to create a duplicatable On-Boarding system of your own, or you can simply model mine. Choose to use this to relaunch your business during the course. 

Roadmap For Success

Understand the CYCLE for network marketing. Making sure you have all the pieces and knowing how they fit together will ensure you create consistency in your business and ultimately help you gain the confidence you need to step into your leadership role. Teaching this to your downline will set you up for long-term success for you and your team 

Accountability and Support

The modules inside this course will teach you everything you need to know to build a profitable network marketing business. Learn and implement as you go. And for added accountability and support, you will also have access to our private Facebook community with monthly complimentary group coaching sessions. 

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Trusted By 100s of Students

See what other people are saying about working with Theresa.

"It was such a pleasure working with Theresa. I was really encouraged about a posting strategy that has changed everything. Who knew one little tweak could get me in conversations with the right people who need what I have to offer. #sothankful!" 

"Practicing what Theresa teaches hasn't just increased my engagement on a specific post, but my overall reach and engagement on my page. It's helping form my brand in a more cohesive way that helps me connect with so many amazing women on a deeper level than 'buy my product or service.' I'm literally growing my network in the way I've needed. It feels good to be busy engaging with people that resonate with the message I'm so passionate about sharing!"

"Theresa helps people level up in business, increasing profits while making a true impact in their networks. She provides all the training and resources needed to help people position themselves as a leader, using simple systems and marketing strategies. She has a magnetic personality and I've been honored to work with her."

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Copyright © Theresa Taylor Coaching 2021